Dr. Dobson House, ca.1830 - Davidson County, N.C.
Robert Pearl Antiques
Southern Antiques and House Restoration
father's will, probated in 1833, left his property to the same beneficiaries plus two granddaughters. The Clodfelters were the only descendants of William Dobson, Sr., who remained in this section. In 1833 Sheriff William Kennedy bought the home and part of the real estate and lived there for some years. As he was a popular sheriff for twelve years, no doubt his home was a center of political and social life in the county. In 1844 the old house changed owners again, this time to Eli Harris of Montgomery County about whom very little is known. It is thought that the place was rented by William E. Roberson (or Robeson as sometimes written) who ran a stagecoach inn there. Certainly the house was large enough for this purpose -four rooms on the first floor and five on the second, and a kitchen in the rear of the house. A large, long building to the south and rear of the house was long thought to have stabled the horses for the stage coaches and travelers. At the death of Eli Harris, Mr. Roberson bought the property but before many years ran into financial difficulty, probably caused by the advent of the railroad.
Finally, in 1868 George and Jerome Kinney bought the place, moved the Kinney family from the house on Hamby's Creek and lived there until the death of George. (George was a Justice of the Court and a representative to the General Assembly for one term as well as a holder of numerous local offices. ) Jerome and his family moved to Thomasville around 1890. He and seven of his close relatives held positions with the Southern Railway and some of them lost their lives in this service. The old house passed to the ownership of Mrs. H. P. Clinard, the daughter of George Kinney, and to her descendants. At one time a post office was kept there.
-M. Jewell Sink and Mary G. Matthews, assisted by James Hoover originally published in Historical gleanings of Davidson County, North Carolina. By Davidson County Bicentennial Committee in 1976.
Transcribed by Ruth Ann Copley
Thomasville Library
Davidson County Public Library System
Excerpt taken from "Before Thomasville, What?"
Still farther north on the Old Greensboro Road and on the north side of it, stands an impressive two-story building, with more depth than the typical farm house of the day, with front porch supported by four large columns and with three chimneys of brick laid in an unusual design. In 1816 William Dobson came with his family from Guilford County and bought 252 acres on Hamby's Creek. His son William, Jr., became a physician. In May 1829 he bought 380 acres on both sides of Abbotts Creek, adjoining the lands of Daniel Myers, Joseph Waggoner, Hugh Yokley and Thomas Livengood. It is assumed that he started building the aforementioned house immediately. However, he died three months later and his property was inherited by his mother Martha, his brothers John S. and Joseph B. and his sisters, Pricilla and her husband Dan Clodfelter, and Martha and her husband, Col. John Smith. Dr. Dobson was pro-eminent in the government of the county and in the early days of St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Lexington as well as popular in his practice of medicine. He was buried in the Fair Grove cemetery. His
Dr. Dobson House, ca.1830 - Now located in Forsyth County, NC. Photo taken January , 2010.